Dear Matt, trying to be short but here it goes!

A few years ago I wrapped my thoughts into a book written by Paul Theroux called Dark Star Safari, where he puts mildly his desire to go to a place where he can't be reached for some time. Eventually, he starts a journey throughout East Africa, without any means of communication. I remember that at the time I could understand such desire of his as I felt the same. I ended up doing the same but in another continent a couple years later. Alone, some of the deepest of my thoughts and conflicts came to the surface at that moment. For a while, paradoxically, the quietness made me feel incredibly alive!

Coming back home, the so called FOMO, the sense of time fading away, my inability to control the outcomes and any other questions arose into a spiral of self-doubts where lately I started feeling the need to be quiet again.

Today, getting the notification for such words written by you felt like the most intimate act of being understood. This exposure you put of yourself through this writings are not only incredible to relate to, but also to see (which would feel at first sight incoherent considering that to reach such thoughts, an incredible amount of solitude is needed) how we are all humans dealing together with the chaos of our minds.

I don't have enough words to express how much I enjoy your newsletter and how much I identify in practical and abstract terms!

Keep doing such good job and I hope you never forget how we can always go back to this place we found within ourselves! It is always a mountain to conquer!

In any case, you got yourself a book recommendation!

Abraço, Gabi!

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While I was reading this I start thinking about how numb I feel my mind is, filling every minute with something on my phone, from social media to games, there is no place to really get into myself and I know I want a change, but at the same time I`m scared of what I could find. Maybe some day I would try turning of my phone and going away, maybe.

thanks for sharing your experience.


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Always look forward to reading your email.

Please share your Spotify playlist soon.

Continue enjoying the beauty of Puerto Rico nature and connecting with nature in general.

Keep writing! take care :)

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We need that spotify list!! haahhaahaha

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A recent study found that the positive effect of deactivating Facebook for only one month “is equal to the conditional difference in subjective well-being from about $30,000 additional income.” This study, "The Welfare Effects of Social Media" was conducted by the National Bureau of Economic Research in 2019. The full scientific writeup can be found here:


Peace and Love

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OMG! This is so good Matt!!

If I'm honest, I haven't read all your newsletter because the busy life has caught up and I though I'll read it late but I never did.

And now that I finally took the time to read it resonated so deeply with me.

Thinking of how much I get consumed and distracted by things that makes me live in a haze is crazy. I often think back and ask myself, what did I do on last monday? And more often then not you just forgot because it was not memorable enough.

Reading your journey of how you connected and got to love yourself is beautiful and touching to read. Thank you very much for sharing that story of yours and reminding me to stop and take time for myself. I believe it wasn't an easy one to write, especially this short but spot on.

Live your life to the fullest :)

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This is crazy and beautiful all at the same time. Relief and terror are both what I feel from reading this, but sometimes you need to climb higher before you can fly. So happy for you Matt!!

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This is amazing Matt! I’m happy that you’re now loving yourself. I just wanted to share something that helped with my anxiety. It may be a big decision but I know it helped tons of people myself included. It was the read the Islamic book, the Koran. It was the English translation and for some reason that book had a lot of the answers I had in life. I also realized that whenever I used to read it in planes, Uber, and at home, it would help my anxiety and I don’t know why. I am not a muslim but that religion even though it is very controversial may be the true religion. Ok I just wanted to share my experience and how I calmed my overthinking and anxiety. I hope everyone is having an amazing day and stay safe!

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Hi Matt,

Thank you for sharing this. I have been dealing with a lot of anxiety and energetic imbalances. I slowly fell into social media as an escape from my actual life (eventhough I love my life). I thought browsing around was a good way to take a break from working hard but it quickly started making me feel worse and distracting me from my goals.

I've been slowly rewiring my brain into not using the internet as the default option when I need a break.

Your letter was super inspiring and I am glad you are doing better!


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Dani!! If you ever need help or just need to talk feel free to reach out ♥

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All that there is, is already within us!

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Hi Matt. You inspire us every day. Just reading this made my day 100 times better. Always looking forward to your newsletter and excited to read your book.

Love, Bhargavi.

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Beautiful read Matt. Thank you for oh-so-effortlessly putting into words what I imagine many of us are feeling. That feeling of wanting to be more present, to find peace in the mist of all the chaos. Proud of you for taking that journey.

Take care,


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This is amazing. Lately I often think about doing exactly the same. I often get monkey mindset jumping from one thought to another and all the noise is not helping. I quit social media for some time and it was the best feeling ever.

Thanks for sharing your story! I love that you write how you are getting to know yourself as it is the basis for building further relationships.

Puerto Rico is so beautiful😍 gotta visit it one day!

Sending love from Prague!


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Okay just click on the song, headphones on and close your eyes! Best thing that happened to me this week, 🙌 10/10 recommend!!

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So happy for you Matt!! It's incredible to witness how far you've come, how you face your struggles and came to the other side wiser and happier (or at least it's what it seems from this side of the screen) I know it's not always easy but to read you gives us (or at least me) lot's of hope.

Weird thing the internet haha, I kown I don't know you personaly but it feels like when a friend has accomplished something they are really proud of and just makes you smile and be happy for them.

I've been trying to disconnect a little bit but I struggle a lot, I have to be on my phone for work and it's not always easy to find time for yourself but reading this makes me wanna keep trying and making the effort.

So thaaankss ♥

Espero que tengas una hermosa semana!!

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Hey matt have been following your journey with yes theory and u going for becoming a writter for some time now, absolutely love reading ur newsletters and implementing some myself also i am absolutely pumped about your book whats the eta on that??? So excited

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