We need a spotify list with all your music recomendation hahahah just saying

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Haha I can probably make that happen!

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i’m saying, i’m always obsessed with his recommendations

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Yes please!!! Totally second that!!! :-)

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by Yes Theory Community

I love these Newsletters! They normalise issues so many people deal with and personally inspire me so much. It’s like every newsletter verbalises the true meaning behind yes theory in such a vulnerable and honest way! Keep it up Matt! Love it :) x

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Thank you!

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by Yes Theory Community

We were on a work and travel program and with some friends decided to make a roadtrip to one of the towns near by, no maps, no gps, just the signs from the freeway. On our way to springfield MA we saw all this sings about boston, so we thought why not? We took a turn and went all the way to boston, no plans no anything, we got lost, slept on the car we rented and it pour rain all night... It end up being one of the best two days ever.

Loves frome Argentina

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No maps is the BEST. So awesome that you did this :)

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The fact that you are taking the time to read and reply to every comment is awesome. Thanks ♥.

And if you ever need help with your spanish now that you are living in puerto rico let us know haha.

Hope you are having a great weekend.

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by Yes Theory Community

Today I was really overthinking my future and in that moment I received the newslatter, thank you! It made my day I will let the things that are not planned into my life and enjoy it more.

I'm loving the newsletter and the music recomendation, i'm writing this as i listen to that amazing song.

Lots of love and good vibes to everyone from Perú :)

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Happy it helped. Good vibes right back atcha ;)

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Jun 18, 2021Liked by Yes Theory Community

Hey Matt, your regular newsletters are thoroughly enjoyed. {insert beaming smile}

I have a mantra I've lived by for the last 20 years and it's saved me so much angst and anger. I use for everything. When a robot turns red or when you get stuck in mud exploring. Control what you and let the rest be. The mantra goes

'Everything Happens as it should, When it should, and How is should'

And never stop seeking the beauty and positives in your day and #livelikedaniel

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Agreed, Jo. It's all happening perfectly

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Love that mantra!

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by Yes Theory Community

About to apply for a music project grant and needed the motivation. Thanks Matt

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Hell yea. Go get em!

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Going to be one of those guys who shares a link 😂


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You got this!!!!

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Thanks Lu :)

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Good luck!!! <3

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Thanks Mar ❤️

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by Yes Theory Community

Absolutely. The most memorable moments are ones not planned. Allowing everything to happen the way it supposes to be and how it should isn't just pure fate, it's also the universe matching your energy. The more I trust and have faith in what I don't see but feel deep within the more the universe is like, "I feel you and I got you". I'm a planner as well, I still love writing out my day-to-day task in my planner or write things I'd love to do in my bucketlist book although when I'm unsure or feeling a tug else were but don't know how to take a step or even what I should do that's when I carry intentions into the thought process & feeling...allowing whatever it is I want to do happen. I will say, I've been met with more than I can imagine and the best experiences and life lessons come from it.

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by Yes Theory Community

I was on tour with a musical called 42nd Street, and we were playing in LA. On a day off we decided to drive to San Diego to go to the Zoo. The people at the zoo asked what brought us there and when we mentioned we were with 42nd Street, they took us behind the scenes at the zoo. They showed us all the enclosures and how everything works, and we got to feed giraffes and 150 year old giant tortoises, and we gave elephants baths. I learned about how much the zoo does for animal conservation (they have a whole program where they work to get the giraffes back into the wild in Africa). What was just going to be a regular zoo visit, turned into an incredible experience up close and personal with the animals, simply because of a super kind employee who loved our musical. (We of course offered them tickets to the show in return)

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So freaking cool.. Also, I must say, being on tour with a band is one of my dreams. You're definitely livin it up Vanessa

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Touring is incredibly exhausting, but so so fulfilling. Hoping I can do it again one day!

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by Yes Theory Community

My parents stopped to see the sunset in a beach in USA (we’re from Uruguay) and the car ran out of battery while they were there. Ended up asking people for help for hours until we found an awesome couple who had the charging cords and we all hugged at the end ❤️❤️❤️

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Nothing better than a victory hug with strangers/new friends :)

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Que lindo Uruguay ♥

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by Yes Theory Community

The first time I went camping with my two friends we ended up getting lost otw to the campsite so we called the front desk and the owner sent their entire family out on a search to get us with their hound dog. The dog not only found us but the family welcomed us to their friends birthday party and that turned into a whole family reunion for them and ended up being an amazing experience for me and my friends

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This is awesome. Ending up at a stranger's birthday party is such a hilarious experience

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This Sounds like a lot of fun! How long did you wait for the dog to find you?

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About 2 hours! We had some basics like our chairs and thankfully some drinks :) which made the time go by a lot faster haha

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by Yes Theory Community

Awhh I love ur news letters sm they make me feel better and know that I’m not alone, and also I love that song !!! ❤️❤️

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Happy they help :)

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by Yes Theory Community

I always like to talk about two experience like this that I had in my one year trip to New Zealand.

On one of them I was traveling with 2 friends in the NZ North Island, and we were out of work, so we planned to go the next day to an island called 'Waiheke' because we found a job there, but we didn't had more money so we needed to sleep in the car for a couple of weeks. It was not a problem, we were dealing with situations like this all the time during this trip. At the end of the day I receive a call from a factory telling me that they have a job for me, just for me. I went to work the next day while my friends were buying food for the days in the car. While I was working I was thinking: "I need to go with them, f* this job, let's go for the adventure, even if we lose all our money and we sleep in the outdoors, les f* do it". So I called my friends, quit my job after 4hs working and we headed to this new island.

We arrived with no problems, we crossed to the island with our car-house in a ferry. We went to work that day and during our first night, when we were looking for a place to sleep, our car failed. It totally broke. It was not working and the mechanics of the place told us: "this car is now useless, to fix it you will need to pay more than the price of the car itself". That night was crisis.

We couldn't sleep. We didn't know what we were going to do. This was our "house", we had no money, we needed the car to go to work (50 min to the countryside, were our job was). Crisis. One of my friends, Ignacio, wanted to go walking (5 hours, maybe more) and sleep in a tent next to the job (in the middle of the mountains), I was thinking about going back to Auckland city (this was the closest city, but I will need to leave the island) and search for a job there. My other friend Santiago was blocked without knowing what to do.

We finally decided after hours that we will get all our money and pay for two nights in a hostel (thanks to Santiago, that had some extra $ that we didn't) were we could drop our tent, and then go to work the next day walking or hitch-hiking.

Well, this was the best decision ever. The hostel was great, the people there was amazing, and we found one guy that took us to work. From there on, we stayed for a couple of months in the island, and was the best couple of months of our entire year. That island was magic. We went to the beach every day, we ride during the sunsets, we made friends from all around the world that we still see from time to time. We didn't stayed in the hostel for a long time, we ended staying the rest of the time in a "hippie" community with crazy people, without any comfort, but with a huge amount of experiences and learning, each and every day. Thanks to this bad experiences, we found happiness. Happiness was there and we felt alive, more alive than ever.

P.S.: we ended selling the car for 50 bucks, we bought a bottle of whisky an we celebrated with everyone that night in the hostel. It was magic.

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by Yes Theory Community

The other story is for another day...

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This is awesome Mateo. Spontaneity at its finest! Ending up in a wild hippie community is definitely a recipe for amazing memories haha

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Thanks man! Keep inspiring people like this, you are really good at this...

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by Yes Theory Community

Dear Matt, thank you for sharing your amazing and uplifting newsletter!! You're truly an inspiration! Love the song, so filled with soul. Love reading your interesting and beautiful memories. Keep shining my friend....xxxxx

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Thank you for reading. It means a lot :)

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by Yes Theory Community

planning is very important for organisation sake, but everything that has made my life up to this current point in time, one which is worth living and one which i am eternally grateful for, has been spontaneity and chance. moving countries, finding new amazing people to surround myself with, learning more about who i am, finding new passions and interests, travelling; almost none have been noted in what i like to call my "script" of life. and yet here we are. because life doesn't care about your script, it will throw things at you regardless. and that is the beauty of it. thanks for the newsletters Matt, you don't even know how much they help and how much i and im sure many many others, love them. impactful pieces of art you're creating here :)

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by Yes Theory Community

Planning/ dreaming helps - yes. But the best parts of my life happened in unplanned ways. First time listening to this song, and what a vibe! thanks for sharing! X

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you got it!

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Jun 18, 2021Liked by Yes Theory Community

I am a huge planner and also get anxious with anything that I can't plan the result. I had all my life planned out, until I meet my now-husband. I changed countries, I needed to study more to do the same job I could already do in my home country Brazil. Everything I ever had planned in my life got a different result. And to be honest, every time I look at him, I just think "wow, i made such a great choice when I choose him". Now I see life in such a different lens, now I know that planning it's some what important, but that enjoying life unplanned moments are also a big part.

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So awesome that it worked out. To think that way about your husband means you definitely made the right decision :)

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