Just subscribed and reading old posts. This one *really* struck a chord. Been deep in inertia the past few months and recently realized it's been my lack of forward motion that's been throwing me off balance. Been standing still for too long and I need to just move, onto the realm of endless possibilities. Really loving your writing Matt, can't wait for the book!

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Inspiring words! 💚

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What I needed to read today :)

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This was so timely for me. I styled my first shoot yesterday and I doubted myself so much. did the photographer like my outfit choices? was the model comfortable? did I do a good job? did I ruin the shoot? such crippling self doubt when it was my first time doing something and I was stretching my comfort zone by accepting this challenge. the results based society we live in can be truly debilitating sometimes. because it can really stop you from building and shaping a talent that might not be stellar yet, but has so much potential.

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Feels good to read this! Love your writing Matt, great job!

Every time I end up transfering your email to my boyfriend saying: "See? That's what I meant last time. Matt says it better me 😂"

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An amazing song to add to your fav playlist guys https://open.spotify.com/track/7CFmeHaFayBGxMRhbp42qB

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I always feel like im the most negative person. Does anyone else feel like this?

Matt makes me feel inspired for a sec!

One moment at a time... its a start!

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Ilove this! Thank you for free knowledge.

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"You are the excavator..."

I needed to hear that.

I recently submitted a project I poured my heart into. And it got a lot of not-so-positive feedback.

And even though I knew, in my head, that the feedback was about the "mud" I dug up, I just couldn't stop feeling like a loser of sorts.

You're right.

So what, I didn't get it right the first time...this shit is hard

So thanks, Matt.

I'm just going to breathe, and try again.

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I appreciate you, really needed to hear this. Imperfect action. Just start.

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Perfect timing! Really love that you mentioned making the distinction between oneself and the work. That's so important and so helpful. Thanks for another great newsletter and music recommendation!

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Not gonna lie this was fire... been trying to help myself grasp this concept for a while now as I try and create ideas for businesses and brands that I am going to build. You have no idea how perfect of a time this came for me. Appreciate you doing this newsletter homie.

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Thanks Matt!! I needed this today. I've trying to set up my own podcast but struggling to get the first episode together. I will certainly join the Zoom call next week but I might be late hope that is ok.

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Needed this today !! Thanks Matt :)

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Matt, this was absolutely needed today. I'm in the middle of making a move that I'm fearful of and I'm scared that if I make one wrong move everyone will look at me like I'm a failure. As you said nothing can happen without movement. So I'm going to dip my toe into the melting pot of uncertainty and I'm going to sign up for that journalism course. It's scary but as you guys always say, beauty is on the other side of my comfort zone. I can't wait to read the book and I hope you are enjoying Puerto Rico.

Sending love from Trinidad.

x - Isabel

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YEAAAAHHHHH!!! go for that coursee!!! you'll never lose if you'll never try ♥

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Been trying to live life one day at a time and make uncomfortable choices that I feel will be good for me. I'm moving to Egypt in a week and I'm so scared. But I'm trying not to dwell on it. Love the newsletter as always Matt. Hope you're well :)

Ps: I'm trying to figure out if my card will work to pay for the subscription. I'm from the Netherlands. I hope it will! :)

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Good luck on your next chapeter in Egypt! Let us know how everything is going 💪 YOU GOT THIS!!!

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Okay so now I've got "into the unknown" from Frozen stuck in my head on repeat hahahahahaha. But for real I 100% agree with this. Since your half ironman video I've kept the mood follows action motto and it's so so so true. We have to learn to take chances and embrace that you can and you'll probably fail the first time but you'll learn and try again and again and again.


Too many quotes today but this reminded one from Across the Universe

"- Max’s Father: Goddammit, Max! Get serious, for once! What are you going to DO with your life?

- Max: Why is it always what will I do? “What will he do”, “What will he do,” “Oh, my god what will he do”, Do, do, do, do, do. Why isn’t the issue here who I am?

- Uncle Teddy: Because, Maxwell, what you do defines who you are.

- Max: No, Uncle Teddy, who you are defines what you do, right Jude?

- Jude: Surely it's not what you do, but it's the...the way that you do it."

Just wanted to share it haha.

Loves from Argentina ♥

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Love that movie and that nice little gem of a quote in there.

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I've never seen Across the Universe but love that quote its so true

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